Carbon Dioxide
e-corder can record dissolved carbon dioxide and/or ammonia concentrations with a suitable gas sensing electrodes. These typically work by allowing carbon dioxide (or ammonia) to diffuse across a permeable plastic membrane into the inner compartment of the electrode where they reversibly react with a buffer solution and in doing so alter the pH. The electrode senses the change in pH of its internal solution and this signal change is calibrated in suitable units of CO2 (or NH3) concentration. Carbon dioxide electrodes are also used to estimate concentrations of bicarbonate and carbonate.
These electrodes can be used with:
- EP353 pH & ISE isoPod
- EPU353 pH & ISE isoPod (single channel) or EPU452 Quad MF isoPod (four channel) using Pod-Vu, LabVIEW, or other software.
Electrodes can be obtained from:
- Microelectrodes Inc. see the miniature MI-720 and MI-740 electrodes (or corresponding 'Flow Thru' models 8-720, 16-720, 8-740 or 16-740). These electrodes have an internal Ag/AgCl reference. Microelectrodes will fit these electrodes with BNC connectors on request.
- Thermo Fisher Scientific offer electrodes
The use of gas sensors with the e-corder and Chart software is shown in this application note.
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