
Microdialysis probes can be used for the detection of neurotransmitters and other metabolites both in vivo and in vitro. Most often they are implanted in brain tissue, or used for blood microdialysis.

Microdialysis can be performed with a flow system where solution is pumped through the probe to gather the metabolites which are then fed into a detector. Most often electrochemical detection is used because of its high sensitivity, but in principle any detector such as a fluorescence or absorption detector, could be used.

PowerChrom and e-corder are compatible with most HPLC detectors used for
microdialysis studies including electrochemical detectors made by:

  • Antec Leyden, 'Intro' electrochemical detector
  • BAS (Bioanalytical Systems), LC-4C electrochemical detector
  • Eicom
  • ESA, Model 5200A electrochemical detector
  • GBC Scientific, LC1260 electrochemical detector

e-corder systems may use Chart software or PowerChrom software for data recording. The PowerChrom system uses the PowerChrom software and its own special purpose-built recording hardware.

Sometimes electrochemical detection can take place inside the probe itself. See such a probe at

This electrode is available in several configurations. Fluid is pumped through the electrode, or it can be also be used for experiments where the filling solution is stationary. The electrode an be used with:

e-corder Chart or PowerChrom software can be used to record your signals with an e-corder or PowerChrom system.


  • Changes in inhibitory amino acid release linked to pontine-induced atonia: An in vivo microdialysis study. T Kodama, Y-Y Lai and J M Siegel, Journal of Neuroscience, 23, 1548-1554, 2003.
    "The concentration of amino acid in the perfusate was determined by HPLC (EDT-300; Eicom) with a fluorescence detector (excitation at 340 nm, emission at 440 nm) and quantified with a PowerChrom system."
  • Dynamic Changes in Glucose and Lactate in the Cortex of the Freely Moving Rat Monitored Using Microdialysis.  D. A. Jones, J. Ros, H. Landolt, M. Fillenz, and M. G. Boutelle, Journal of Neurochemistry, 75, 1703-1708, 2000.
    "Dialysate was analysed on-line for glucose and lactate using a dual on-line assay. The assay is based on immobilised enzyme bed/ferrocene-mediated detection technology. A buffer (pH 7) containing the ferrocene monocarboxylic acid mediator is continuously pumped into the valve at a flow rate of 0.6 mL/min using an HPLC pump. Each assay system consists of a small enzyme bed reactor (1 mm x 20 mm, containing either glucose oxidase and horseradish peroxidase or lactate oxidase and horseradish peroxidase) and a downstream glassy carbon radial flow electrode held at -100 mV relative to an Ag/AgCl reference electrode. Valve switching and data collection were done using PowerChrom software."
  • Local alpha-bungarotoxin-sensitive nicotinic receptors in the nucleus accumbens modulate nicotine-stimulated dopamine secretion in vivo.  Y. Fu, S.G. Matta, W. Gao, and B.M. Sharp, Neuroscience, 101, 369-375, 2000.
    "Stimulation of dopamine (DA) secretion in the NAcc by systemic nicotine was inhibited by selectively administering a-bungarotoxin or methyllycaconitine directly into this region, whereas mecamylamine was ineffective. In vivo microdialysis of accumbal dopamine secretion and receptor antagonist blockade in both the ventral striatal nucleus accumbens and the midbrain ventral tegmental area were used. Microdialysates were analysed by an ESA Coulochem II 5200A electrochemical detector with an ESA 5041 high-sensitivity analytical cell. Electrochemical detection was performed at a potential of 220 mV with the current gain at 10 nA. Under these conditions, the limit of detection for DA was 100 fg per injection. Chromatographic data were collected and analysed with a PowerChrom system."
  • Glufosinate ammonium stimulates nitric oxide production through N-methyl D-aspartate receptors in rat cerebellum.  Toshio Nakaki, Akira Mishima, Eiji Suzuki, Futoshi Shintani, and Tomoko Fujii, Neuroscience Letters, 290, 209-212, 2000.
     "Nitric oxide production was estimated by the quantitation of nitrite/nitrate, the non-enzymatic oxidative products of nitric oxide. The amount of nitrite/nitrate was quantitated with an automatic system equipped with a liquid chromatograph and a reactor for the Griess reaction (ENO-100, Eicom, Kyoto, Japan), whereby nitrate was reduced to nitrite with a cadmium column. The absorbance of the reactant was measured at 540 nm with a flow-through spectrophotometer (NOD-10, Eicom). Data were collected and analysed with a Powerchrom system."

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© copyright 2002 - 2025   eDAQ - data recording made simple
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© copyright 2002 - 2025 eDAQ - data recording made simple website by frogwebworks
© copyright 2002 - 2025 eDAQ - data recording made simple
website by frogwebworks