ER490 Versatile Microchip Electrophoresis Kit
- System for microchip electrophoresis
- Floating, gated or pinched injections
- C4D electrodes on the platform for versatility
The ER490 is a system for microchip electrophoresis experiments. It includes contactless conductivity detection (C4D).
Unlike the ER455, the ER490 system has the C4D electrodes on the ET121 platform instead of on the chip, making the system more versatile. The system includes two Zeonor microfluidic chips (ET195-2); chips with a similar user-developed design can be used with this system.
The system includes PowerChrom software for data collection and analysis, and QuadSequencer software for controlling the HVS unit for experiments with floating, gated or pinched injections.
The ER490 includes:
- ER815 C4D Detector with PowerChrom software
- ER430 High Voltage Sequencer
- EC230 High Voltage Cables
- ET121 Microchip Platform with C4D Electrodes, with two ET195-2 Zeonor Chips
- EC020 Standard Test Solutions
- ET067 Lead Wire Clamp
A procedure using the ER490 can been seen here.
The system does NOT include a safety interlock and this should be made by the customer.
Research Areas
- Microchip Electrophoresis
- Contactless Conductivity
- Inorganic ions, organic molecules, pharmaceuticals and biomolecules
Application Notes
- Anions by MCE-C4D
- Procedure for Microchip Electrophoresis with C4D with the ET121
- Electro-osmotic Flow Measurement in a Microfluidic Chip
- Application of capacitively coupled contactless conductivity as an external detector for zone electrophoresis in poly(dimethylsiloxane) chips. Péter I. Koczka, Ede Bodoki, Attila Gáspár. Electrophoresis 2015. DOI:10.1002/elps.201500335
- ITP of lanthanides in microfluidic PMMA chip. Y Cong, D Bottenus, B Liu, SB Clark, CF Ivory. Electrophoresis, 2014. DOI: 10.1002/elps.201300382
- Electrophoretic separations in poly (dimethylsiloxane) microchips using mixtures of ionic, nonionic and zwitterionic surfactants. Q Guan, SD Noblitt, CS Henry. Electrophoresis, 2012. DOI: 10.1002/elps.201200255
- Microchip capillary electrophoresis: Improvements using detection geometry, on-line preconcentration and surface modification. Q Guan. PhD Thesis 2012
- The use of scanning contactless conductivity detection for the characterisation of stationary phases in micro-fluidic chips. Zarah Walsh, Mercedes Vázquez, Fernando Benito-Lopez, Brett Paull, Mirek Macka, Frantisek Svec, Dermot Diamond. Lab on a Chip, 2010 DOI: 10.1039/C003584J
More Information
Ordering: ER490 Versatile Microchip Electrophoresis Kit
Also see:
ER430 High Voltage Sequencer for Microchip Electrophoresis
EC230 High Voltage Cables, SHV to Bare Platinum Wire
ET121 Microchip Platform with C4D Electrodes
ET195-2 Zeonor Chip for Microchip Electrophoresis
EC020 Standard Test Solutions for C4D Applications
ET067 Lead Wire Clamp