The time from concept to market is critically important in keeping costs down in developing complex instrumentation.

eDAQ has expertise in a number of techniques used in physical science instrumentation and you can access this knowledge to:

  • reduce time to market
  • add value to your product
  • save on hardware development costs
  • get help with professionally designed software


eDAQ offers a number of potentiostat designs which can be adapted to user configurations.  We can supply either existing boards or can transfer a design to a customer specified form factor. Our designs include, 2-, 3-, and 4-electrode potentiostats, bipotentiostats and multichannel potentiostats operating over ranges of picoamperes to amperes.

Contactless Conductivity

The new and exciting C4D technique provides the means to measure the conductivity (or the conductivity change) of a liquid without physical contact.  We have developed designs for:

  • Conductivity detectors in ion chromatography and capillary electrophoresis systems, see the ER7070 OEM C4D Detector. Small changes of conductivity are measured and displayed.
  • Conductivity detectors in microfluidic systems. The system is used to detect small and large changes in the conductivity of a liquid inside a tube or channel, and can be used to detect bubbles (for segmented flow analysis).
  • Contactless conductivity meters. The precise measurement of an absolute conductivity (in contrast to a conductivity change) of a liquid in a vial or tube can be made.

Sensor Amplifiers

eDAQ has range of miniature amplifiers for specific sensor types ( see our isoPod range) which provide an accurate, electrically isolated subsystems that can be readily integrated into larger instruments, providing the front end to your analytical system. A simple virtual serial protocol interface is provided that operates over USB, which allows you to develop your own software in LabView or other computer language such a C++ or BASIC.

Chromatography Systems

The eDAQ PowerChrom system provides data acquisition and analysis capability for most types of chromatography experimentation. These systems can be tailored to your needs. Similar systems for flow injection, and segmented flow analysis are also available. 

Real Time Signal Recording

Our e-corder systems (with two to sixteen channels) are available on an OEM basis to be used as components for your instrument or transducer systems. These  intuitive-to use data acquisition systems can emulate the functions and performance of conventional chart recorders, XY plotters and oscilloscopes.

They can provide your customers with a quality, user-friendly data recording and analysis system, that will connect to a Windows computer via USB, enhancing the appeal and value of your own product.

Ask our CEO

Contact me directly with an outline of your application and we will respond quickly.

Boris Schlensky

© copyright 2002 - 2025   eDAQ - data recording made simple
       website by frogwebworks
© copyright 2002 - 2025   eDAQ - data recording made simple
website by frogwebworks
© copyright 2002 - 2025 eDAQ - data recording made simple website by frogwebworks
© copyright 2002 - 2025 eDAQ - data recording made simple
website by frogwebworks