ER7004 Mega Teaching Kit
This kit includes all the hardware*, software, electrodes and transducers required to quickly develop a wide range of exciting experiments for chemistry and biochemistry laboratory courses. See our Teaching Applications page for examples of the types of experiments that can be performed with the eDAQ Mega Teaching Kit. Note that this kit supersedes ER462.
Kit components:
- ER466 Potentiostat 466 (including Chart and Scope software)
- EP354 dO2 isoPod
- EP353 pH & ISE isoPod
- EP357 Conductivity isoPod
- EP356 Thermocouple isoPod
- ES260 EChem Software
- ES280 PowerChrom Software
- ET014 EChem Electrode Kit
- ET079-1 Copper voltammetric disk electrode
- ET325 Thin Film Solar Cell
- ET060 Redox Electrode
- ET226 Drop Counter
- ET1010 Pulse Transducer
- ET1117 Polarographic Oxygen Electrode
- ET5733 pH Electrode
- ET902 Conductivity Probe
- ET1400 T-type Thermocouple Probe
* Computer not included.
Teaching Notes
EXP001 Anodic Stripping Voltammetry
EXP002 Cyclic Voltammetry of Ferrocene Carboxylic Acid
EXP004a Measurement of Iron Corrosion Exchange Current
EXP006 Fluoride Ion Selective Electrodes
EXP009 Heat of Neutralisation
EXP011 The pH Electrode and Potentiometric Titrations
More Information
ER7004_Mega_Teaching_Kit ( Warning: filesize(): stat failed for product_sheets/bundles/ ER7004_Mega_Teaching_Kit.pdf in /www/frog/scripts/product-details.php on line 26 0 B PDF)